Hypothyroid Self Assessment

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Hyperthyroid Self Assessment 

What is the Hyperthyroid Self Assessment?

  • For many people with an underactive thyroid (Hypothyroidism) taking thyroxine medication is a simple process of taking a standard and stable dose of pills every day for life.
  • Providing you are well and stable we may be able to monitor your health without you visiting the practice.

If this applies to you.

  • If this applies to you (and you are not on any other tablets requiring monitoring), then before your medication runs out please complete this assessment.
  • We will review whether we can repeat your medication for another 9-12 months.

All questions marked with a * are mandatory

Personal Details
Gender at Birth: *
Do you Identity differently?:
Please double check you've entered the correct email address
May be used to identify you
Hypothyroid Self Assessment
Have you had your blood tested for thyroid in the last 9 months?: *

Your Weight

What units or measurement are you using?: *
Conversion from Stones & Pounds to Kilograms
Are there any recent changes in weight?: *

Your Pulse

If it is less than 60 or above 80 when resting please discuss this with your doctor

Privacy Consent


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